Monday, December 29, 2008

Visiting The Temple Of Levels

by Sylvia Browne

There are levels on The Other Side that are classified as such mainly for purposes of vocation and organization. Now a person on the third level (which involves working with plants and animals) isn’t less evolved than a person on the sixth (which holds teachers and orientators). Francine says that most entities move freely through all the levels, and souls may find themselves working in the scientific field (fifth level) for their main job yet also love to garden (third level) and do that as well. She says that it varies with all individuals, but what souls do as their primary vocation at Home is directly related to their theme of perfection. And since everyone has a passion for their work over there, hobbies are o f secondary importance.

There are temples that correspond with each level, although residents of The Other Side tend to go to all of them. Thanks to the meditations I’ve provided in Park IV, you’ll also have the chance to visit these very interesting halls – the only exception is this first one, the Temple of Levels, which exists solely for those beyond the veil. However, I thought it was important to provide information about it so that you can understand more about its function and about the levels themselves.

While it’s just a single-story building, this hall nevertheless takes up a lot of room. It looks more Egyptian in design, with short columns that are a glowing rust color and earth-toned exterior walls. It has numerous doors leading into it from all sides; and while it isn’t as ornate as many of the other temples, it’s still a very beautiful structure.

This is the site where everyone meets about once a week in our time, thus giving all entities the opportunity to explore what’s happening on all the levels. Of course everyone on The Other Side sees and mingles with each other all the time, but this is different in that it’s geared to fresh ideas and to the expansion of knowledge.

Usually what’s discussed at these meetings in the Temple of Levels are new developments in the various fields of endeavor, and feedback is always welcome. For example, those working in animal husbandry may pass on information to other individuals involved in research to help make their experiments more efficient. Or artists and craftspersons may offer ideas to architects that they would then go on to incorporate into a new building design.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

When The Other Side Visits Us During Our Dreams

by Sylvia Browne

I’m not sure anything enriches and confuses our dreams more than those people we choose to "cast" in the tragedies, occasional comedies, historical dramas, and travelogues our subconscious minds produce for us while we sleep. The oddest collection of characters can show up, some we recognize, some we don’t, some we’re not sure about, appearing and disappearing, sometimes for the most obvious reasons and sometimes for no apparent reason at all, leaving us to wake up feeling fairly sure someone we spent time with during the night was trying to tell us something, if we could just figure out what it was.

Adding to the mystery and the intrigue is the fact that the people we summon, seek out, meet with, and envision during sleep are there for our purposes, at our insistence, as themselves and as archetypes, not just because of who they are but because of who they are to us.

"My deceased grandmother came to me out of nowhere," writes R.F. "She took my arm to stress the importance of what she was about to telepathically tell me. I was to contact Sylvia Browne to ask her about 'him.' Alive my abuelita only spoke Spanish, but telepathically she spoke perfect non-accented English. I got the feeling that 'him' was a reference to the boyfriend I recently broke up with, but I’m open to any other thoughts of who "him" might be.

This is a wonderful example of bringing in the heavy artillery while we sleep to make a point we’re reluctant to consciously accept. R.F. knows perfectly well that the "him" her grandmother was concerned about is her ex-boyfriend. She knows he’s emotionally dangerous to her and potentially physically dangerous as well, and that he has no intention of staying away permanently. Most of all, she knows that, left to her own devices, she might not have the strength of will to continue resisting him if he’s relentless enough and manipulative enough, especially since he’s so familiar with her weaknesses and how to use them against her. And so, rather than rely on her own sometimes clouded judgment (like all of ours from time to time, let’s face it), she summoned her grandmother, her abuelita, the person she trusted most, someone who’d always had R.F.’s best interests at heart, someone whose wisdom, strength and love she knew could empower her, someone who would never let something as trivial as "death" keep her away. Like the vast majority of psychic messages received while we sleep, R.F.’s experience wasn’t a dream. It was an astral meeting between her and her grandmother, as real as any of the frequent conversations she’d had about her ex-boyfriend with "living" family and friends, with the advantage that she and Abuelita could speak volumes with the simple telepathic message about "him."

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sagittarius And Relationships

by Sylvia Browne

As we are in the month of Sagittarius, let us talk about how these folks are in their relationships.

Sagittarius is a “don’t fence me in” sign, just as Libra is. Sagittarians are tremendous freedom lovers. And you never, ever want to make them feel like they have no freedom to make them feel like they have no freedom. Now, what is crazy about Sagittarians is that they’ll stay in the house forever…until you tell them they must leave. And then, boy, you’ve had it! But they’ll stay forever in one singular place.

As long as you do not put a time schedule on Sagittarians, they’re fine. Now what is unique about a Sagittarius is, if you happen to be a freedom-loving person involved with one, for some reason they become very possessive. If you turn around the other way and become possessive with a Sagittarius, this person will bolt on you. It’s weird – you never know what to do with them, whether you should be free and outgoing with them, or be possessive. So you stand in front of Sagittarius individuals and ask them constantly, “What do you want from me?”

It is never boring to be with Sagittarians, and I think what makes it all worthwhile is that they are so witty and so marvelous to be around that people usually migrate to them. They always have a group of people congregating around them.

Most Sagittarians do not come into full bloom until later in life. Many of the signs are like this, in fact, but this is especially true of Sagittarians.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Win a free psychic reading with Sylvia on

The Life Paths for a Mystical Traveler

by Sylvia Browne

All mystical travelers usually go down one of two paths: either that of the pilgrim or the pioneer. Pilgrims are the mystical travelers who are more quiet and work behind the scenes to help others. These are the hospice people, the individuals who adopt kids no one wants, and the men and women who tirelessly work as the caretakers of children and the elderly.

Pioneers, on the other hand, are more in the public eye and might even gain some fame as by-product of their work. They're the ones who start spiritual movements, those teachers or writers who get the word out there.

It is within these two categories that mission-life entities come into play, since they often assist mystical travelers in their work. By dedicating their lives to helping mystical travelers succeed, they then perform their own missions. Now, please know that no one is better than another: How an individual wants to advance his or her spirituality for God is left up to that person. Realize that if we're mystical travelers, mission-life entities, or neither, our Parents love us all equally.

Rarely will a person go directly to mystical-traveler status without first being a mission-life entity. Mission-life entities are more common; in fact, anyone who consistently performs acts of kindness for others could fall under this category. And to a keen observer, the life themes of those who are predisposed to be on a mission for God are obvious just by sight.

Some souls are more advanced than others, and many of them aren't even consciously aware of being mission-life entities -- even so, they did choose a mission to accomplish in life. Ben Franklin and George Washington were great mission-life entities. Almost all of the black people who were enslaved or the Jews who were put in concentration camps were mission-life entities, and many went on to become mystical travelers.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Win a free psychic reading with Sylvia on

Frequently Asked Questions About Mother God

by Sylvia Browne

Over the years, many people have asked me questions about Mother God. The following questions about Azna, or the Mother God, are just a few of the many that have been sent to me in letters, cards, and e-mails over the years.

Q: Why is Azna coming forward now rather than before?

I think it’s because more and more women are beginning to search for the truth, instead of just being lazy and giving their souls over to what one person or group says. I think we’re also researching more to find truths, and when we do this, we are truly Gnostic. Whether you accept the truth or not, God bless you for searching. If you don’t search for truth, you leave your soul open to being filled with nothing but singular, man-made beliefs that many times have nothing to do with historical truth. I also think She’s coming forward now because the world needs a more maternal side to civilization.

Q: Why do you describe Her with a sword?

My spirit guide Francine says that’s Her symbol. The sword is also in the shape of a cross, for Christ consciousness. Mother God’s sword is not for vengeance, but for Her ability to cut through negativity. It has a golden handle with a silver or platinum blade.

Q: Why does She change Her appearance?

Because She is Mother God, She would be politically correct to appear as an Asian, a Caucasian, a Spaniard, and so on. Like us on the Other Side, She can take on any visage She chooses. This certainly doesn’t diminish Her power and ability.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Win a free psychic reading with Sylvia on

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Positive Energy of Your Aura! by Sylvia Browne

Did you know that you can give the power of your own positive energy to those blocked by negativity?

Have you ever known a person to walk in and light up a room? Or perhaps you have seen someone who has the opposite effect. This is true because we all have an aura of light around us that reflects our attitudes. Some people have a positive aura while others give off negative vibes.

It is easy to increase the positive energy in your aura. Remember that your attitudes are contagious. Having a positive attitude will affect your aura and will also help to affect others around you. Be that "light" in the room that has the ability to cheer everyone up and boost the auras of those around you.

To raise your aura also use this positive affirmation every day:

Let my aura reflect gratitude, loyalty, and commitment to myself, those around me and my Creator.

Say this affirmation each day to increase the positive energy in your aura. As you use it, your aura will be filled will even more positive energy!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium and just launched a new site,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Favorite Ghost Story... by Sylvia Browne

It was 1990, and my life was busier than ever. I was in my twentieth year of television appearances on everything from talk shows to In Search Of and more network specials than I can remember. I was touring the country giving lectures, I was averaging twenty private readings a day, and I was devoting countless pro bono hours to my consultation work with both law enforcement and the medical community. In fact, looking back, I might have been trying to stay too busy to think. I was just recovering from a serious personal crisis, proving once again that I don't have a psychic bone in my body about my own life, and I tend to compulsively run myself ragged when I'm fighting my way out of a depression.

So when an invitation came out of nowhere to do a haunting investigation of the Queen Mary in the Long Beach, California harbor, I said yes before I even had time to realize that my schedule and I were already on serious overload. I wasn't even quite sure who'd issued the invitation. I caught the name "Herman," and something about a brother and a Halloween show, and a reference to CBS, with whom I'd enjoyed a long-standing relationship. I also noticed that the date they wanted me happened to coincide with a trip to Los Angeles I'd committed to anyway, so I had nothing to lose but a few hours I couldn't really spare. And when you're in the middle of compulsive workaholism, it doesn't get much more irresistible than that.

Stepping onto the Queen Mary, if you've never had the experience, is like stepping into a beautiful, gleaming, elegant past-life dream. There is dark polished inlaid mahogany everywhere, with gorgeous brass railings and massive crystal chandeliers, history preserved in exquisite craftsmanship. I was wondering why such stunning surroundings felt so oppressive when a young production intern dashed up, welcomed me, and offered to show me to the cabin where I would be spending the night. With apologies, she explained that "Our Host" wouldn't be joining us until the next day, as if I might be terribly disappointed about a delay in meeting someone I'd never heard of. I kept my apathy to myself and simply assured her that I was too preoccupied with the idea of meeting the ghosts on board, if there were any, to worry about when Our Host was arriving.

My cabin was as lovely as the dinner I was served, and throughout the meal I kept my antennae up for any ghosts or spirits who might be hanging around trying to get my attention. Nothing. I smile to myself, a little perversely, as I pictured a Halloween special in which I walked Our Host around this huge ship for an hour on film saying over and over again, "Nope. Sorry. There's nothing here." But Halloween special or not, if I came to the conclusion that the Queen Mary wasn't haunted, there was no way I would ever claim it was, just for the sake of ratings, or to feel that I gave these people their money's worth. This was their bright idea, after all, not mine.

I hadn't realized until I sank into bed how exhausted I was. In fact, I was almost too exhausted to realize that I'd become a banquet for swarms of mosquitoes that were flying in and out through the open porthole of my cabin. I finally swatted my way to the porthole, slammed it shut, and went back to bed, only to discover after a few minutes that with the porthole closed, the cabin was sweltering and the still air was so stifling I could barely breathe. Great choices, I thought, feeling sorrier for myself by the minute. Being eaten alive by mosquitoes, or smothering to death. I finally opted for the mosquitoes and stomped over to open the porthole again.

It was at that moment, well past midnight, that I heard footsteps running up and down the hall outside my door. I didn't think much about it at first. There was a whole television production team and crew on board, so it could easily have been any one of them. But the more I listened, the more I realized that these sounded like awfully tiny feet, taking awfully tiny steps, to belong to any of the production staff. I craft to the door and very quietly opened it. And there in the hallway, playfully dashing around all over the place, was the very real but indistinct ghost of a little boy. He was filmy, more like a figure made of white smoke than anything solid, but I could make out knickers and a newsboy cap on his small frame. He didn't talk to me, didn't even notice me, just kept right on playing what looked like a solitary game of tag, and after watching him for several minutes I left him to his private illusions and fell into bed among the mosquitoes again, thinking as I drifted off to sleep that maybe this Halloween special wouldn't be completely uneventful after all.

I was sleepy, cranky, and very itchy the next morning when I told the production team about the little ghost boy in the hallway, and you've never seen a less impressed group of people in your life. I had no details to offer, since the boy never spoke to me and I couldn't get a clear enough image of him to come up with any psychic facts I could rely on, and there were certainly no witnesses, so the reactions ranged from polite patronizing to blatant eye-rolling. The crew was wondering what kind of lunatic they were stuck with and I was wondering if any of them cared how miserably tired and mosquito-bitten I was when the young intern I'd met the day before flew by to suggest we start the tour without Our Host.

"He'll catch up with you shortly," she excitedly assured me.

Who cares? I muttered silently to myself.

We followed orders and started our tour of this gorgeous ship - or, as I was now thinking of it thanks to my mood, this stupid boat. Audiotapes were rolling and cameras were at the ready to capture my every encounter with every ghost and spirit we ran into along the way. The problem was, there weren't any. Cabin after cabin, deck after deck, from the dining rooms to the ballroom to the magnificent captain's quarters, there wasn't even a hint of the afterlife to be found. Not even the little ghost boy from the night before put in an appearance. My fear of being part of the dullest Halloween special in history, kind of the Sylvia Browne version of Geraldo Rivera unearthing Al Capone's vault, was becoming more and more real by the minute.

After what seemed like weeks, we reached the lowest deck on the ship, where it looked as if a swimming pool used to be. And suddenly to my completely surprise, a ghost, as real and distinct and in full color as the rest of us, materialized from out of nowhere. I stopped cold, then stepped forward. The crew stayed where they were, not seeing a thing, but rolling their cameras on the off chance I wasn't crazy.

She was young, maybe nineteen or twenty. She was wearing a midcalf-length white party dress, a sleeveless sheath with heavy beading at the hem, a long strand of pearls around her neck, very much like a flapper from the 1920s would wear. She had on opaque white stockings and white low-heeled Mary Jane shoes. Her hair was short and jet black, in finger waves framing her face. Her eyes were dark, dramatic, and slightly Indian looking reminiscent of Merele Oberon, the strikingly lovely actress whom I've probably watched fifty times in the classic Wuthering Heights with Laurence Olivier. She was dancing, arms high in the air, and when I stepped toward her she changed course and began twirling in circles around and around me. There was no joy in her wild, whirling dance. Instead, it looked frantic and driven, and the incessant smile on her face seemed much more insane than happy. All ghosts are desperately confused and disoriented, of course, but I'd never seen one as manic as this one.

I asked her what her name was.

"Mary," she said, spinning closer, pleased to be noticed, and acknowledged. She looked up and down at me and added, "You're dressed so oddly."

Any impulse I might have had to offer up the pot-calling-the-kettle-black cliché was lost immediately when, for the first time, I could see angry red open wounds on the inside of both her wrists. It didn't take a psychic to figure out that she had taken her own life, and I asked her if the cuts hurt her.

"Not anymore," she laughed, and then added defensively, "and they're not cuts. They've just scratches."

"No, they're deep cuts, Mary," I said quietly. "Tell me what happened."

She never stopped moving, never stopped her dizzying dance as she told me her story, her occasional giggling inappropriate for such a tragic chain of events. There was a man. His name was Robert. She was deeply in love with him and had ecstatically accepted his proposal of marriage. Then, with no warning and no apologies, he simply vanished one day, running off to marry another woman he'd decided might be more to his financial advantage, she later found out. Mary was disconsolate, and her parents, whom she called "Mommy" and "Daddy" in what sounded like a contrived childlike voice, virtually dragged her onto the Queen Mary as the first leg of a three-month trip to Europe they hoped would mend her broken heart and help her forget about this man they'd never approved of in the first place. As far as Mary was concerned, this was the third day of their cruise -- in other words, very probably the day she'd descended to the lowest deck of the ship and killed herself.

"You know what's going to happen?" She laughed, dropping her voice to a low, secretive murmur as she twirled by.

"What's going to happen?"

"He's going to leave her and come back to me. You'll see, he's going to wire me through the ship's captain and tell me he's waiting for me in England."

I wanted to tell her that Robert was dead. I wanted to tell her that she was dead, so that she could go Home and finally be at peace. I approached the subject gently, knowing how seriously disturbed she was. "Mary," I started, "you can be with Robert right now if you'll let me help..."

I was interrupted by a quiet baritone voice behind me, asking, "Who in the world are you talking to?"

I turned around and found myself looking into the beautiful, sensitive face of a man who was so obviously charismatic I knew he had to be our long-awaited Host. I actually blushed, partly because I realized that, from his point of view he'd just caught me having a rather emotional conversation with myself, and partly because his eye contact was so intense.

We introduced ourselves, and then I quickly began telling him about Mary and her tragic story, not sure if I was making myself less crazy or more as I explained that no, I wasn't chatting with myself, I was chatting with a ghost. She was twirling wildly around both of us now, and I noticed that she was listening intently and vain enough to love knowing that we were talking about her. Our Host listened intently, without judgment, the exact kind of open-minded skeptic I appreciate.

"She's here right now?" he asked.

I nodded.

"What's she doing?"

"She's whirling around us in a circle, like she's been doing since I got here," I told him. For some reason at that moment it occurred to me that she was in a sleeveless dress in the chilly air of that bottom deck, and I turned to her and said, "Aren't you cold?"

"Why do you think I'm dancing?" she answered. Her tone reminded me exactly of my granddaughter Angelina's tone when she thinks I've asked a stupid question. I decided Mary was probably a Scorpio too.

Our Host, in the meantime, was looking all around, clearly unable to see Mary but genuinely wanting to if, in fact, she existed. There was no way I could help make that happen, but if he was open to the idea of experiencing her, there was one thing I knew might be worth trying.

First, I told Mary to stand still. She loved all this attention so much that she actually did it. Then I took Our Host by the hand. He was brave enough not to hesitate, even though he didn't have a clue what I was about to do. And then, without a word, I simply walked him right through Mary's ghostly body.

I'll never forget how huge his eyes were after he'd stepped through her, "Oh, my God!" was all he said, clearly shaken.

"Did you feel that?" It was a rhetorical question. I could look at him and tell he's felt it.

"Fee it? How could I not feel it?" he replied. "Whatever it was, it was freezing cold."

I decided to play the devil's advocate. "Well, to be fair, it is chilly down here."

He shook his head. "Not like that. That wasn't any kind of cold I've ever felt. It went all the way through me, right down to my bones, and just in that one spot you walked me through."

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Absolutely," he said, shuddering a little. "It was like walking through a wall of cobwebs. I can still feel them all over me."

I'd had that same feeling myself during ghost encounters, and I knew that even though the sensation itself would pass quickly, he would never forget it. I smiled and kept my response to a simple "So now you've met Mary."

He just nodded and looked at me. All the skepticism was gone from his eyes. He believed. I didn't convince him. Mary did.

Mary had lost all interest in us by now and went whirling away into her own lost world again. The producer and several members of the crew were excited to tell me it was on the lowest deck, in this exact spot, where the employees of the Queen Mary had heard the most unexplainable noises, seen the most unexplainable visions of something filmy white, and been the most frightened. I wasn't surprised, and I appreciated the validation.

Our Host suggested we go find a place to sit. I'm sure he needed a chance to regroup, and I was grateful for a chance to quietly and privately learn more about this handsome, charismatic, oddly familiar stranger. WE settled onto a bench on an upper deck and started talking.

To this day, all these years later, we haven't stopped. As most of you have probably figured out, our host's name was Montel Williams.

That's how we met.

And that's why the Queen Mary is and always will be my favorite ghost story.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Understanding Release Dreams! by Sylvia Browne

As we dream, we have many types of different dreams. Understanding these various types of dreams is a profound way to discovering yourself.

Release dreams are usually the most confusing, chaotic, preposterous, and disturbing dreams we experience. They’re also among the most necessary, because it’s through our release dreams that we dispose of the everyday mental and emotional garbage we collect. Some release dreams are silly and worth only a good, brief chuckle when we wake up. Many more of them are nightmares that can stay with us for a very long time, since fear is such a strong emotion and hard to shake off. But without release dreams, including the nightmares, we’d all be either chronically stressed out or completely psychotic, so they’re more than worth the discomfort they often put us through.

This is a release dream I received from someone and is quite classic. I’ll use this as an example:

“I have three children,” Lyn wrote. “On separate occasions I’ve had dreams that each of them has died. Why would I dream about the death of the most precious people in my life?”

Dreams, or nightmares, like these are very upsetting, obviously, and they’re also very, very common. You’ve probably had your share of similar ones. I know I have. They’re not prophetic dreams, and they’re certainly not expressions of some terribly disturbed subconscious wishes. What they are – is a subconscious release of our “worst case scenario,” the most awful thing we can possibly imagine, so awful we refuse to let our conscious minds fantasize such a thing for more than a second or two before we force our focus onto something, anything, more manageable. What our conscious minds push away as quickly as they can, our subconscious minds keep track of and act out, not to be perverse and see how much they can frighten us but to reassure us that even if our version of “the worst” happens, we’ll somehow manage to survive it, emotionally devastating as it might be.

We all have release dreams. Knowing that what you’ve had is a release dream is quite helpful. Our dreams offer us wonderful insights into our own thoughts.

Log on to my new official home...!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sylvia Browne Predictions! by Sylvia Browne

The question I am asked the most on a daily basis is, "Sylvia, what are your predictions for 2008 and 2009?"

I predict so many new and interesting things are coming for us within the next two years. Some are positive changes that will affect the world at large. Others are changes that may affect only a certain group of people and will improve their lives. Here are my Sylvia Browne predictions for 2008 & 2009!

Around 2009 to 2010, I predict Americans will start working on what I like to call our "buts." There are problems that we are aware of that make the global community smaller. We have liked to say, "Our system works"..but...

...Children are not properly fed, clothed, educated, protected or given adequate medical care.

...Many in our population do not have a place to call home.

...Some of our youth get more attention from gangs and drug dealers than they do positive role models.

...People who are ready, willing and able to work cannot find decent jobs.

...Our elderly are not cared for properly either financially or medically.

...Some death row inmates are innocent.

...Some elected officials and large corporations do not think of the welfare of the people as a high priority - they'd rather just increase their bank accounts.

I predict we'll develop strong resolve and resources to address these problems and come up with some good solutions.

More of my Sylvia Browne predictions...

I predict a great rise in skin cancer in children until 2010. There is a lot of media coverage about the UV rays and many products to protect people against them. But people are still often careless when it comes to the sun. Then again, people could pay attention - and reverse this prediction right out from under me. I would certainly be all for that!

I predict the President elected sometime after 2008 will die in office from a heart attack. The Vice President who will finish their term will have an unpopular and mistaken intention to declare war on North Korea. By that time, North Korea will have weapons of mass destruction. In the middle of efforts to declare war, I predict the Vice President will be assassinated.

There will be a worldwide investigation into the Vice President's death with both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. A lot of attention will be paid to one of the investigative congressional committees and serious accusations will be made regarding missing funds. Finally, it will be revealed that their accusations are part of a conspiracy to damage the American people's faith in their government, with the media manipulated to "fan the flames," and the committee will be vindicated in the end.

In 2008, I predict doctor's offices will have a high-tech "aura scanner" for patients that come to see them. This will be a highly developed version of an MRI. A patient will stand on a rotating disc and an infrared light will scan the body looking at their aura.

I predict we can truly say "goodbye" to the common cold in 2009 or 2010. The solution to the common cold involves heat. Keep in mind that the body's first response when we develop a cold is to come down with a fever. Many doctors today no longer rush to push patients to take temperature reducing medications when they come down with a fever, unless the fever is dangerous. They feel the immune system is the patient's best medicine and should be given a chance to fight back. So as the immune system fights a cold with heat, the cure for the common cold certainly may lie in this first signal to heal.

I predict that a small cubicle will become available in doctor's offices sometime in 2009 and it will be heated to a very precise temperature. There may be a special vapor placed into the cubicle. Patients will stand in the cubicle for approximately five minutes and the rhinitis germ will be destroyed.

Another wonderful bit of good news on the health front with this discovery - since this cubicle can easily take on the rhinitis germ, many people that have breathing problems with allergies and asthma complications will find some breakthroughs as well. We will see this cubicle discovery used for healing for those with breathing disorders. The cubicle will become available in 2009 or 2010.

I predict yoga and martial arts will remain just as popular, but a new form of exercise will be introduced in 2008. It is a passive form of exercise using machines to exercise the muscles. It will be a very effective form of exercise.

I predict hypnotic past-life regression will become available through a group of trained psychologists on both the east and west coasts of the U.S.A. in 2009. It will prove to be quite a success and will be widely practiced by 2011.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Join Sylvia For Her Web Class Thursday Night! by Sylvia Browne

I do hope that you will join me for my Web Class on Angels and Spirit Guides this Thursday night, September 18 at 9:00pm ET, 8:00pm CT, 7:00pm MT, and 6:00pm PT right here on

Thousands of people have joined me for my previous Web Classes. For September, I will discuss Angels and Spirit Guides, a topic that many are curious about. Our Angels and Spirit Guides guide us and love us. These relationships are special and precious to us. Learn all about Angels and Spirit Guides and these unique relationships that we have. I am certain this will be a Web Class to remember!

Plus, remember I will pick one lucky viewer during the Web Class to win a free private phone reading with ME!

Please invite your family and friends to join us for this special Web Class this Thursday, September 18 on This Web Class will have you feeling more connected to your Angels and Spirit Guides than ever before. Many of you know just how important my very own Spirit Guide Francine has been to me throughout my life. Learn how important the Angels and Spirit Guides can be for you.

I hope you’ll be with me this Thursday, September 18 on for this special event created just for you. Please know that your Angels and Spirit Guides love you and watch over you always.

Love Always,

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Using Affirmations For Health, Wealth, Love And Success! by Sylvia Browne

Affirmations are powerful spiritual tools we can use to achieve our goals in life. You can use affirmations for anything you desire -- from improved health, wealth, love and success.

I like to think of affirmations as "positive thinking exercises." An affirmation is quite simply, a positive statement. Use affirmations to create any of your deep down "I can't" feelings into "I can! I can!"

To best use affirmations, say them each day at the same time. Say your affirmation aloud in a happy and positive voice. Affirmations are both positive and gentle. You'll find that they enter your belief system and help to change the world around you.

Try this affirmation for Empowerment:

For nine nights, at precisely 9:00 p.m., light a candle and repeat this affirmation:

As a blessed child of God, I am empowered to create miracles.

I have the power to make positive changes in my life, I will take the first step today by... (add in your own first step to this affirmation).

I have the power and strength to achieve my worthiest goals. Today I will begin my path to success by... (add in your success step).

I am grateful for my life. I am especially grateful for... (add in your gratitudes).

The greatest gift I can give God is to help his children. Today I will help others by... (add in what you will do to help others).

My family, friends, and pets mean everything to me. Dear Lord, I ask that you surround my loved ones in the white light of Your Holy Spirit. I ask protection for... (name who you would like protection for).

Believe in yourself and know that there is no such thing as "impossible."

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium and has just launched a new!

Win a FREE Reading with Sylvia Browne!

Sylvia Browne is hosting another FREE webcast on her new official website, on Thursday, September 18 at 9:00pm EST. Log on to register today (it's free) at and reserve your seat before the event fills up.

Everyone who registers and logs on to watch the webcast will have a chance to win a private psychic phone reading with Sylvia Browne. Sylvia will pick a lucky winner during the webcast. You just need to register on for the webcast, then joins us on Thursday night, September 18 at 9:00pm ET. You must be logged on to Sylvia's new official website - - to win!

This month, Sylvia Browne will help you find your Spirit Guides & Angels - the entities who are here to help your life and give you the spiritual guidance you are seeking. You'll learn how to pick up on your guides, how to recognize them, the messages they can give you, and even learn their names!

Plus, Sylvia will answer your questions during this amazing online event on Click here to submit your question as you register for the webcast. is the new online home of Sylvia Browne, featuring articles, blog postings, and videos from Sylvia. As the premiere online spirituality destination on the web, is your home for content on Horoscopes, Psychics, Angels, Dreams, Love, and Feng Shui.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sylvia Browne Free Webcast on,, 8/18, Win a Private Reading with Sylvia

Sylvia Browne is hosting another FREE webcast on her new website,, on Monday night, August 18 at 9:00pm ET. Click here to register today (it's free) on to reserve your seat before the event fills up.

Everyone who registers and logs on to watch the webcast will have a chance to win a private psychic phone reading with Sylvia Browne. Sylvia will pick a winner during the webcast. You just need to register on for the webcast. Then joins us on Monday night, August 18 at 9:00pm ET. You must be logged on to win!

This month, Sylvia Browne will talk more about her predictions and prophecies for the end of the world. What does The Ancient Mayan Prophecy of 2012 mean? Why is there so much talk about the "end of the Mayan calendar"? Is there something significant we should know about the Winter Solstice date of December 21, 2012? Sylvia Browne will explain all and reveals what our world will be like before, during and after 2012!

Plus, Sylvia will answer your questions during this amazing online event on Click here to submit your question as you register for the webcast. is the new online home of Sylvia Browne, featuring articles, blog postings, and videos from Sylvia. As the premiere online spirituality destination on the web, is your home for content on Horoscopes, Psychics, Angels, Dreams, Love, and Feng Shui.