Monday, August 11, 2008

Sylvia Browne Free Webcast on,, 8/18, Win a Private Reading with Sylvia

Sylvia Browne is hosting another FREE webcast on her new website,, on Monday night, August 18 at 9:00pm ET. Click here to register today (it's free) on to reserve your seat before the event fills up.

Everyone who registers and logs on to watch the webcast will have a chance to win a private psychic phone reading with Sylvia Browne. Sylvia will pick a winner during the webcast. You just need to register on for the webcast. Then joins us on Monday night, August 18 at 9:00pm ET. You must be logged on to win!

This month, Sylvia Browne will talk more about her predictions and prophecies for the end of the world. What does The Ancient Mayan Prophecy of 2012 mean? Why is there so much talk about the "end of the Mayan calendar"? Is there something significant we should know about the Winter Solstice date of December 21, 2012? Sylvia Browne will explain all and reveals what our world will be like before, during and after 2012!

Plus, Sylvia will answer your questions during this amazing online event on Click here to submit your question as you register for the webcast. is the new online home of Sylvia Browne, featuring articles, blog postings, and videos from Sylvia. As the premiere online spirituality destination on the web, is your home for content on Horoscopes, Psychics, Angels, Dreams, Love, and Feng Shui.