Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Life Paths for a Mystical Traveler

by Sylvia Browne

All mystical travelers usually go down one of two paths: either that of the pilgrim or the pioneer. Pilgrims are the mystical travelers who are more quiet and work behind the scenes to help others. These are the hospice people, the individuals who adopt kids no one wants, and the men and women who tirelessly work as the caretakers of children and the elderly.

Pioneers, on the other hand, are more in the public eye and might even gain some fame as by-product of their work. They're the ones who start spiritual movements, those teachers or writers who get the word out there.

It is within these two categories that mission-life entities come into play, since they often assist mystical travelers in their work. By dedicating their lives to helping mystical travelers succeed, they then perform their own missions. Now, please know that no one is better than another: How an individual wants to advance his or her spirituality for God is left up to that person. Realize that if we're mystical travelers, mission-life entities, or neither, our Parents love us all equally.

Rarely will a person go directly to mystical-traveler status without first being a mission-life entity. Mission-life entities are more common; in fact, anyone who consistently performs acts of kindness for others could fall under this category. And to a keen observer, the life themes of those who are predisposed to be on a mission for God are obvious just by sight.

Some souls are more advanced than others, and many of them aren't even consciously aware of being mission-life entities -- even so, they did choose a mission to accomplish in life. Ben Franklin and George Washington were great mission-life entities. Almost all of the black people who were enslaved or the Jews who were put in concentration camps were mission-life entities, and many went on to become mystical travelers.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Win a free psychic reading with Sylvia on SpiritNow.com.

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