Friday, September 19, 2008

Understanding Release Dreams! by Sylvia Browne

As we dream, we have many types of different dreams. Understanding these various types of dreams is a profound way to discovering yourself.

Release dreams are usually the most confusing, chaotic, preposterous, and disturbing dreams we experience. They’re also among the most necessary, because it’s through our release dreams that we dispose of the everyday mental and emotional garbage we collect. Some release dreams are silly and worth only a good, brief chuckle when we wake up. Many more of them are nightmares that can stay with us for a very long time, since fear is such a strong emotion and hard to shake off. But without release dreams, including the nightmares, we’d all be either chronically stressed out or completely psychotic, so they’re more than worth the discomfort they often put us through.

This is a release dream I received from someone and is quite classic. I’ll use this as an example:

“I have three children,” Lyn wrote. “On separate occasions I’ve had dreams that each of them has died. Why would I dream about the death of the most precious people in my life?”

Dreams, or nightmares, like these are very upsetting, obviously, and they’re also very, very common. You’ve probably had your share of similar ones. I know I have. They’re not prophetic dreams, and they’re certainly not expressions of some terribly disturbed subconscious wishes. What they are – is a subconscious release of our “worst case scenario,” the most awful thing we can possibly imagine, so awful we refuse to let our conscious minds fantasize such a thing for more than a second or two before we force our focus onto something, anything, more manageable. What our conscious minds push away as quickly as they can, our subconscious minds keep track of and act out, not to be perverse and see how much they can frighten us but to reassure us that even if our version of “the worst” happens, we’ll somehow manage to survive it, emotionally devastating as it might be.

We all have release dreams. Knowing that what you’ve had is a release dream is quite helpful. Our dreams offer us wonderful insights into our own thoughts.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sylvia Browne Predictions! by Sylvia Browne

The question I am asked the most on a daily basis is, "Sylvia, what are your predictions for 2008 and 2009?"

I predict so many new and interesting things are coming for us within the next two years. Some are positive changes that will affect the world at large. Others are changes that may affect only a certain group of people and will improve their lives. Here are my Sylvia Browne predictions for 2008 & 2009!

Around 2009 to 2010, I predict Americans will start working on what I like to call our "buts." There are problems that we are aware of that make the global community smaller. We have liked to say, "Our system works"..but...

...Children are not properly fed, clothed, educated, protected or given adequate medical care.

...Many in our population do not have a place to call home.

...Some of our youth get more attention from gangs and drug dealers than they do positive role models.

...People who are ready, willing and able to work cannot find decent jobs.

...Our elderly are not cared for properly either financially or medically.

...Some death row inmates are innocent.

...Some elected officials and large corporations do not think of the welfare of the people as a high priority - they'd rather just increase their bank accounts.

I predict we'll develop strong resolve and resources to address these problems and come up with some good solutions.

More of my Sylvia Browne predictions...

I predict a great rise in skin cancer in children until 2010. There is a lot of media coverage about the UV rays and many products to protect people against them. But people are still often careless when it comes to the sun. Then again, people could pay attention - and reverse this prediction right out from under me. I would certainly be all for that!

I predict the President elected sometime after 2008 will die in office from a heart attack. The Vice President who will finish their term will have an unpopular and mistaken intention to declare war on North Korea. By that time, North Korea will have weapons of mass destruction. In the middle of efforts to declare war, I predict the Vice President will be assassinated.

There will be a worldwide investigation into the Vice President's death with both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. A lot of attention will be paid to one of the investigative congressional committees and serious accusations will be made regarding missing funds. Finally, it will be revealed that their accusations are part of a conspiracy to damage the American people's faith in their government, with the media manipulated to "fan the flames," and the committee will be vindicated in the end.

In 2008, I predict doctor's offices will have a high-tech "aura scanner" for patients that come to see them. This will be a highly developed version of an MRI. A patient will stand on a rotating disc and an infrared light will scan the body looking at their aura.

I predict we can truly say "goodbye" to the common cold in 2009 or 2010. The solution to the common cold involves heat. Keep in mind that the body's first response when we develop a cold is to come down with a fever. Many doctors today no longer rush to push patients to take temperature reducing medications when they come down with a fever, unless the fever is dangerous. They feel the immune system is the patient's best medicine and should be given a chance to fight back. So as the immune system fights a cold with heat, the cure for the common cold certainly may lie in this first signal to heal.

I predict that a small cubicle will become available in doctor's offices sometime in 2009 and it will be heated to a very precise temperature. There may be a special vapor placed into the cubicle. Patients will stand in the cubicle for approximately five minutes and the rhinitis germ will be destroyed.

Another wonderful bit of good news on the health front with this discovery - since this cubicle can easily take on the rhinitis germ, many people that have breathing problems with allergies and asthma complications will find some breakthroughs as well. We will see this cubicle discovery used for healing for those with breathing disorders. The cubicle will become available in 2009 or 2010.

I predict yoga and martial arts will remain just as popular, but a new form of exercise will be introduced in 2008. It is a passive form of exercise using machines to exercise the muscles. It will be a very effective form of exercise.

I predict hypnotic past-life regression will become available through a group of trained psychologists on both the east and west coasts of the U.S.A. in 2009. It will prove to be quite a success and will be widely practiced by 2011.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Join Sylvia For Her Web Class Thursday Night! by Sylvia Browne

I do hope that you will join me for my Web Class on Angels and Spirit Guides this Thursday night, September 18 at 9:00pm ET, 8:00pm CT, 7:00pm MT, and 6:00pm PT right here on

Thousands of people have joined me for my previous Web Classes. For September, I will discuss Angels and Spirit Guides, a topic that many are curious about. Our Angels and Spirit Guides guide us and love us. These relationships are special and precious to us. Learn all about Angels and Spirit Guides and these unique relationships that we have. I am certain this will be a Web Class to remember!

Plus, remember I will pick one lucky viewer during the Web Class to win a free private phone reading with ME!

Please invite your family and friends to join us for this special Web Class this Thursday, September 18 on This Web Class will have you feeling more connected to your Angels and Spirit Guides than ever before. Many of you know just how important my very own Spirit Guide Francine has been to me throughout my life. Learn how important the Angels and Spirit Guides can be for you.

I hope you’ll be with me this Thursday, September 18 on for this special event created just for you. Please know that your Angels and Spirit Guides love you and watch over you always.

Love Always,

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Using Affirmations For Health, Wealth, Love And Success! by Sylvia Browne

Affirmations are powerful spiritual tools we can use to achieve our goals in life. You can use affirmations for anything you desire -- from improved health, wealth, love and success.

I like to think of affirmations as "positive thinking exercises." An affirmation is quite simply, a positive statement. Use affirmations to create any of your deep down "I can't" feelings into "I can! I can!"

To best use affirmations, say them each day at the same time. Say your affirmation aloud in a happy and positive voice. Affirmations are both positive and gentle. You'll find that they enter your belief system and help to change the world around you.

Try this affirmation for Empowerment:

For nine nights, at precisely 9:00 p.m., light a candle and repeat this affirmation:

As a blessed child of God, I am empowered to create miracles.

I have the power to make positive changes in my life, I will take the first step today by... (add in your own first step to this affirmation).

I have the power and strength to achieve my worthiest goals. Today I will begin my path to success by... (add in your success step).

I am grateful for my life. I am especially grateful for... (add in your gratitudes).

The greatest gift I can give God is to help his children. Today I will help others by... (add in what you will do to help others).

My family, friends, and pets mean everything to me. Dear Lord, I ask that you surround my loved ones in the white light of Your Holy Spirit. I ask protection for... (name who you would like protection for).

Believe in yourself and know that there is no such thing as "impossible."

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium and has just launched a new!

Win a FREE Reading with Sylvia Browne!

Sylvia Browne is hosting another FREE webcast on her new official website, on Thursday, September 18 at 9:00pm EST. Log on to register today (it's free) at and reserve your seat before the event fills up.

Everyone who registers and logs on to watch the webcast will have a chance to win a private psychic phone reading with Sylvia Browne. Sylvia will pick a lucky winner during the webcast. You just need to register on for the webcast, then joins us on Thursday night, September 18 at 9:00pm ET. You must be logged on to Sylvia's new official website - - to win!

This month, Sylvia Browne will help you find your Spirit Guides & Angels - the entities who are here to help your life and give you the spiritual guidance you are seeking. You'll learn how to pick up on your guides, how to recognize them, the messages they can give you, and even learn their names!

Plus, Sylvia will answer your questions during this amazing online event on Click here to submit your question as you register for the webcast. is the new online home of Sylvia Browne, featuring articles, blog postings, and videos from Sylvia. As the premiere online spirituality destination on the web, is your home for content on Horoscopes, Psychics, Angels, Dreams, Love, and Feng Shui.