Monday, January 26, 2009

Join Me Wednesday Night For My January Web Class

by Sylvia Browne

By now, I hope all of you reading this blog participated in at least one of my Web Classes in 2008 on I have so enjoyed our times together as we have talked about different spiritual subjects. And with so much going on in the world today, I know that you’ll want to join me for this for my first Web Class of 2009 this Wednesday, January 28th.

2008 brought so many breakthroughs, innovations, joys, and also many unfortunate challenges. Wouldn’t it be ideal to have a "road map" to guide you through the year ahead? I’ll my thoughts on 2009 and also the opportunity for a new beginning. Every New Year offers us the chance to start fresh and anew at life.

If you haven't done so yet, click here to register for my January 28th Web Class. Invite your family and friends to join us for this special event as well. This Web Class will help you plan for 2009 and set the course for the coming year. Gather your loved ones and watch this Web Class to prepare for 2009 together. Access the Web Class beginning at 8:30pm ET. We will start promptly at 9:00pm ET, 8:00pm CT, 7:00pm MT, and 6:00pm PT.

And don't forget that I will pick one lucky viewer for a FREE psychic reading with me and will also answer more of your questions than ever before.

I hope you’ll be with me on Wednesday night for this special event. Again, I wish you great happiness, health, wealth and success in all that you do in 2009.

Love Always,

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mystical Traveler Answers And Insight From Francine

by Sylvia Browne

My Spirit Guide Francine has conducted at least 30 trances on the subject of mystical travelers, possibly spending more time on it than she has on cell memory, dreams, or angels. The reason for this is because some of my ministers went over my trilogy of The Journey of the Soul with a fine-tooth comb and began to ask about it in great detail. As I've gleaned from the transcripts of these trances, she seemed to be a little reluctant to give out the information at first, and of course that only made everyone want it more.

The research trances were held in Seattle and San Jose, and my guide informed everyone at that time that there wouldn't be too many people (outside of the ministers, that is) who'd want to know about mystical travelers for many years. As it turned out, she was right: It has been over a decade since she presented this information, which the world wasn't read for yet. However, I feel the time is right to share much of it with you now.

The following are questions Francine was asked while in trance, along with her answers:

Q: Is life easier for a mystical traveler?

A: No, but the highs are more wondrous. However, the lows of life can also be extremely difficult. What happens is that through these peaks and valleys, you'll always find that mystical travelers come to a meadow -- that is, they gain a great deal of peace of mind in this life. All the insignificant phobias and needless worries they deal with (such as loneliness, poverty, and illness) seem to diminish and drop away, because by giving their will to our Mother and Father, they know with all certainty that They are with them. So when it comes to any problem, they'll always survive and come out winners.

Q: How many mystical travelers are there?

A: There are now two million and counting, with more coming in each day. There are also millions on other planets throughout the universe.

Q: What were mystical travelers before they become such advanced entities?

A: A few mystical travelers have always been this way, as they were created as such by our Parents. The majority, however, came from all walks of life and many different occupations, but they had one thing in common: They all wanted more spirituality. Most mystical travelers are Gnostic in nature because they're seekers of wisdom and truth, regardless of what religion they practice on Earth. They can be homebodies who do good works; or they may be philosophers, teachers, businesspeople, artisans, lecturers, leaders, writers, and so forth. In other words, they can be anybody and anything.

Each individual entity can choose to take the mantle or negate it without judgment, and only our Creators know who will choose to be a mystical traveler. No individual who refrains from searching for more would have the need, want, or longing to become an advanced soul. Please remember that there are very, very good and saintly people who don't choose to take on the mantle.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.