Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Taurus and Relationships

by Sylvia Browne

As this is the birthday month for the sign of Taurus (April 20th – May 20th) let us talk a bit about what these folks are like in their relationships. Be sure to wish your Taurus loved ones a very Happy Birthday from me!

Taurus is the sign of the bull, and bulls are definitely stubborn. This is basically how you can spot a Taurus: Hell hath no fury like Taureans on a rampage: they will walk over anybody. But it is usually out of righteous anger, because they are ruled by Venus, the love planet. So this is not a malicious sign. Yet, don’t get Taureans mad at you, because they’re vindictive and will absolutely stalk you – like an elephant.

Taureans do not forget past injustices, and they also remember their past pain as well – and will remind you of it. The tragedy with a Taurus is that their pain is just as fresh today as it was the first time. Their pain will often make you feel guilty, and if you tell them about your guilt, they will tell you to think nothing of it. So they’re not malicious; but they do become very martyred.

It has always been said that the water signs are martyred, but Taureans outdo them all. Taureans can be the biggest martyrs in the world. They will tell you what they’ve done for you, when they did it, why they did it, and how they did it. They tend to live in the past a lot. If you’re married to a Taurus, this individual will tell you about their past romances, and they will go into details about the whole situation. They want to tell you and confess all, which is called “spilling your guts.” Not only that, they will tell you how much better you are than their previous lovers – but that still doesn’t stop them from telling you too many details.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Visit SpiritNow.com to enter to win a free psychic reading with Sylvia.

Happy Birthday Taurus!

by Sylvia Browne

The sign of Taurus celebrates their birthdays from April 20th through May 20th. So let’s wish these wonderful Taurus folks a very Happy Birthday! I am going to share with you now a bit about what exactly makes these Taurus folks “tick” and why we love them so much.

Taurus people are boring. I’m trying to be kind, but every Taurus that I have ever known (and I mean a fully aspected Taurus?) has a tendency toward stupidity. Yet I do not think that they are actually that dumb, but they act that way. They will often reply to questions with “Huh?” and a puzzled look. I think this is to make someone come on more. You will want to walk up and say, “Do you hear me? Are you listening? Watch my lips?”

Everyone who has a Taurus friend has a karmic debt! Even when you say, “Get away,” they hang on to your leg. You can beat them with a stick, and they say, “I love you anyway.” An Aries ought to work with a Taurus, for God’s sake, because they’ve got enough patience. The Aries would repeat things 55 times, and the Taurus would say, “I finally get it,” which would make the Aries say, “Oh, how wonderful!”

Taureans usually have very high-falutin’ speech. They usually talk like this: “The cosmic influences of the seminal fluid, in the great beyond of the ad infinitum, are coming together in the heated vortex within.” You then say, “Pardon me, but I do not understand a thing you’re saying.” In this instance, they just asked you to have sex, without your even knowing it!”

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Visit SpiritNow.com to enter to win a free psychic reading with Sylvia.

Aries and Relationships

by Sylvia Browne

As we are in the Aries birthday month, let me share with you exactly what these Aries folks are like when it comes to their relationships.

Arians have a beautiful, almost charming way of leading with their chin. They step in where angels fear to tread, and they almost beg you to go along with them. When no one else will taste a certain food, it is the Aries who says, “Oh, to hell with it! I’ll try it!” Or if someone says not to walk somewhere, the Aries will say, “Forget it! I’m going over there!”

Arians are the ones who will typically step into any kind of joke. If you want to make a joke work, run to an Aries and say, “Knock knock….” Because this person will immediately take the bait – every time! Arians are so inquisitive that they must say, “Who’s there?” – even if they don’t want to. And if you ever want a straight man, put an Aries beside you. These individuals have the naïveté to give you the most beautiful openings for jokes.

A very beautiful thing about Arians is that they not only laugh with you, but they can also laugh at themselves. Not many signs can do that very well. If Arians find themselves in compromising situations, they will laugh right along, even when they are totally off-kilter. And Arians have the ability to make a joke out of their own embarrassment, so everybody laughs with them. They have that natural charm.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Visit SpiritNow.com to enter to win a free psychic reading with Sylvia.

Happy Birthday Aries

by Sylvia Browne

Well it is time that we say Happy Birthday to all of those wonderful Aries folks. Aries is ruled by Mars and the Aries sign is found from March 21st through April 19th. Let me now share with you a bit about these lovely Aries folks!

Aries is the sign characterized by people with impulsive and compulsive personalities. They are very avid learners – but they will only learn what they want to learn. The other fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, will learn things that they don’t necessarily want to simply because they feel they need to know these things. An Aries is not the type of person to take a generalized humanities course, but will be riveted into specialization, usually becoming an authority on some subject.

Arians will only get into subject that are totally involved with themselves – things that will aid and help them, so to speak. That is why they will study astrology – it tells them about themselves. Like the other fire signs, Arians are also very loyal. Most of the Arians that I have known and dealt with over the years are very fanatical about certain things. If Arians get religion – God help you – because they are going to give it to you! They are not what I would call crazy fanatics, but boy – they get on one binge, and it’s a lifelong one. So they don’t change horses in midstream. They will put their allegiance someplace, and that’s it – it will not waver.

Don’t tell Arians that their beliefs are wrong, because Aries is the one sign that will just deck you. They don’t mess around with you. But at the same time, to get rid of an Aries is almost impossible. If you have ever been married to an Aries individual, or have any dealings with one, and you get fed up with them for any reason, you cannot shake this person! It is almost impossible; Arians will dog your heels.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Visit SpiritNow.com to enter to win a free psychic reading with Sylvia.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Join Me Wednesday Night For My January Web Class

by Sylvia Browne

By now, I hope all of you reading this blog participated in at least one of my Web Classes in 2008 on SpiritNow.com. I have so enjoyed our times together as we have talked about different spiritual subjects. And with so much going on in the world today, I know that you’ll want to join me for this for my first Web Class of 2009 this Wednesday, January 28th.

2008 brought so many breakthroughs, innovations, joys, and also many unfortunate challenges. Wouldn’t it be ideal to have a "road map" to guide you through the year ahead? I’ll my thoughts on 2009 and also the opportunity for a new beginning. Every New Year offers us the chance to start fresh and anew at life.

If you haven't done so yet, click here to register for my January 28th Web Class. Invite your family and friends to join us for this special event as well. This Web Class will help you plan for 2009 and set the course for the coming year. Gather your loved ones and watch this Web Class to prepare for 2009 together. Access the Web Class beginning at 8:30pm ET. We will start promptly at 9:00pm ET, 8:00pm CT, 7:00pm MT, and 6:00pm PT.

And don't forget that I will pick one lucky viewer for a FREE psychic reading with me and will also answer more of your questions than ever before.

I hope you’ll be with me on Wednesday night for this special event. Again, I wish you great happiness, health, wealth and success in all that you do in 2009.

Love Always,

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mystical Traveler Answers And Insight From Francine

by Sylvia Browne

My Spirit Guide Francine has conducted at least 30 trances on the subject of mystical travelers, possibly spending more time on it than she has on cell memory, dreams, or angels. The reason for this is because some of my ministers went over my trilogy of The Journey of the Soul with a fine-tooth comb and began to ask about it in great detail. As I've gleaned from the transcripts of these trances, she seemed to be a little reluctant to give out the information at first, and of course that only made everyone want it more.

The research trances were held in Seattle and San Jose, and my guide informed everyone at that time that there wouldn't be too many people (outside of the ministers, that is) who'd want to know about mystical travelers for many years. As it turned out, she was right: It has been over a decade since she presented this information, which the world wasn't read for yet. However, I feel the time is right to share much of it with you now.

The following are questions Francine was asked while in trance, along with her answers:

Q: Is life easier for a mystical traveler?

A: No, but the highs are more wondrous. However, the lows of life can also be extremely difficult. What happens is that through these peaks and valleys, you'll always find that mystical travelers come to a meadow -- that is, they gain a great deal of peace of mind in this life. All the insignificant phobias and needless worries they deal with (such as loneliness, poverty, and illness) seem to diminish and drop away, because by giving their will to our Mother and Father, they know with all certainty that They are with them. So when it comes to any problem, they'll always survive and come out winners.

Q: How many mystical travelers are there?

A: There are now two million and counting, with more coming in each day. There are also millions on other planets throughout the universe.

Q: What were mystical travelers before they become such advanced entities?

A: A few mystical travelers have always been this way, as they were created as such by our Parents. The majority, however, came from all walks of life and many different occupations, but they had one thing in common: They all wanted more spirituality. Most mystical travelers are Gnostic in nature because they're seekers of wisdom and truth, regardless of what religion they practice on Earth. They can be homebodies who do good works; or they may be philosophers, teachers, businesspeople, artisans, lecturers, leaders, writers, and so forth. In other words, they can be anybody and anything.

Each individual entity can choose to take the mantle or negate it without judgment, and only our Creators know who will choose to be a mystical traveler. No individual who refrains from searching for more would have the need, want, or longing to become an advanced soul. Please remember that there are very, very good and saintly people who don't choose to take on the mantle.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Visiting The Temple Of Levels

by Sylvia Browne

There are levels on The Other Side that are classified as such mainly for purposes of vocation and organization. Now a person on the third level (which involves working with plants and animals) isn’t less evolved than a person on the sixth (which holds teachers and orientators). Francine says that most entities move freely through all the levels, and souls may find themselves working in the scientific field (fifth level) for their main job yet also love to garden (third level) and do that as well. She says that it varies with all individuals, but what souls do as their primary vocation at Home is directly related to their theme of perfection. And since everyone has a passion for their work over there, hobbies are o f secondary importance.

There are temples that correspond with each level, although residents of The Other Side tend to go to all of them. Thanks to the meditations I’ve provided in Park IV, you’ll also have the chance to visit these very interesting halls – the only exception is this first one, the Temple of Levels, which exists solely for those beyond the veil. However, I thought it was important to provide information about it so that you can understand more about its function and about the levels themselves.

While it’s just a single-story building, this hall nevertheless takes up a lot of room. It looks more Egyptian in design, with short columns that are a glowing rust color and earth-toned exterior walls. It has numerous doors leading into it from all sides; and while it isn’t as ornate as many of the other temples, it’s still a very beautiful structure.

This is the site where everyone meets about once a week in our time, thus giving all entities the opportunity to explore what’s happening on all the levels. Of course everyone on The Other Side sees and mingles with each other all the time, but this is different in that it’s geared to fresh ideas and to the expansion of knowledge.

Usually what’s discussed at these meetings in the Temple of Levels are new developments in the various fields of endeavor, and feedback is always welcome. For example, those working in animal husbandry may pass on information to other individuals involved in research to help make their experiments more efficient. Or artists and craftspersons may offer ideas to architects that they would then go on to incorporate into a new building design.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.